Kaizen in the Public Sector

Posted: Wednesday, 12 May 2010 @ 14:52

With the increasing pressure to cut costs whilst maintaining service performance, the application of Blitz Kaizen in the public sector is becoming an imperative.

Burge Hughes Walsh (BHW) is pleased to be working with Pat Browne who is a Lean Kaizen Specialist and Performance Coach. Working with XCD Ltd, she has conducted many Rapid Improvement Events in the local authority sector.

Pat has extensive experience as a project manager and improvement leader. She has worked across both private and public sector and admits to having a particular empathy with and connection to the latter. Between 2005 and 2008 she was responsible for driving a major LEAN Kaizen change programme in a large local authority. Her leadership and commitment were recognised as part of the success of that initiative in picking up a prestigious European award in 2006. She has been a regular speaker at National and International Conferences where performance improvement was the focus and has supported and inspired many others in this field.

Linking with Pat has strengthened BHW’s ability to provide a great service to public sector organizations.