Tool Boxes
As Winston Churchill once said, "Give us the tools and we will finish the job". Tools are an important element in being able to design a system or remove waste from a process. Below is a list of the tools in each of our five areas of expertise. Some of these are available for download as PDF files.
- Process Mapping
- Value Stream Mapping
- Waste Analysis
- Flow Analysis
- Runner, Repeater,
- Stranger Analysis
- Voice of the Customer Analysis
- Set up Reduction
- 5-S
- Poka Yoke
- String Diagrams
- N2 Analysis
- Process Simulation
- Quality Function Deployment
- Project Charter
- Is/isnot Analysis
- Force Field Analysis
- Stakeholder Analysis
- Voice of the Customer
- Gauge R&R
- Basic Statistics
- Control Charting
- Correlation Regression
- Data Collection & Sampling
- Design of Experiments
- Graphing & Plotting
- Hypothesis Testing
- Pareto analysis
- Process Capability
- Affinity diagramming
- After Action reviewing
- Benchmarking
- Brainstorming
- Brainwriting
- Communications plan
- Corridor conversation
- Decision matrix
- Ease/Benefit matrix
- Fishbone diagramming
- Five Whys
- Force Field analysis
- Is/Is not analysis
- Monitor feedback loop
- More of/Less of analysis
- N/3 ‘voting’
- Paired comparisons
- Pareto analysis
- Quad of Aims
- Reverse Brainstorming
- SMART objectives
- Stakeholder analysis
- Team review
- Threat versus
- Opportunity analysis
- Transferring knowledge
- Voice of the Customer
- Translation